According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, at least one in four women, and one in nine men, experience some form of domestic violence ( Immigrants are no exception to this statistic. Unfortunately, immigrants may be more likely to suffer abuse, and less likely to report it because their immigration status is linked to their perpetrator, and the perpetrator has threatened the victim’s immigration status if the victim comes forward.
You do not have to tolerate domestic abuse, and you have options for protecting your immigration status if you choose to come forward. In accordance with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), victims of domestic violence may self-petition to receive a green card without their abuser’s knowledge or consent.
Our attorney has extensive knowledge and experience handling domestic violence cases. She understands the effects, both physical and emotional, that abuse has on its victims, and she can help you create a safety plan that includes resources for getting on your feet once you break free from your abusive environment. We are eager to discuss your options for moving forward toward a healthier life. Call us today at (904) 510-5341 for a free case evaluation.